Pariyattham School and the clergy

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  • 1991: Creation of the abbot’s cubicle Two-storey reinforced concrete form, width 7 meters, length 11 meters, amounting to 2,500,159 baht.
  • 1992: Construction of a multi-purpose pavilion in reinforced concrete style, one-story, width 12 meters, length 18 meters, amounting to 3,500,938 baht.
  • 1995: Construction of a single-storey pavilion for merit making reinforced concrete, 9.50 meters wide, 28 meters long, amounting to 3,360,000 baht.
  • 1996 Building a pavilion for merit making Reinforced concrete, single-storey, 2 houses, width 18 meters, length 23 meters, equal to both houses, amounting to 8.4 million baht.
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